No Cancel Culture in this Job Interview
In case faithful readers are not up to date on witch culture and phenomena, witches turn people into toads when they are annoyed by them. And people are often very annoying. And knowing how to deal with annoying people is an asset in business.
I think this is a common question in job interviews, too: Name your best quality. Name your worst quality. What would you do if…
So this young lady has some good experience to tout when she talks to HR. But I think the pointed hat is a little inappropriate for a job interview.
Here’s how to buy this or any Animal or Pet cartoon for powerpoint, magazines, advertising, newsletters, blogs, textbooks, Chicken Soup books, etc.
ID #324ii Caption: I’m a people person. And toads, too. I’m a people and toad person. (witch talks to HR manager, or Personnel, as she describes her resume and job qualifications)
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