How people get their news in 2021
Here’s where you can find breaking news, and bad journalism, before anyone else nowadays:
- Twitter (especially good info about dead people, accidents, and hate politics.)
- Facebook (Most news on Facebook is usually wrong, dubious sources, or several years old. But it has good graphics or funny memes. 🙂
- Radio (if they have s separate news team. Otherwise, it’s just amusing gossip)
- Actual newspaper sites or the AP (often the first version of a news report is partly wrong, but what are you going to do, right?)
- Huffington Post (PuffPo) — Not an actual news source, but a content farm that is quicker to steal than any other site. Did you know Buzzfeed bought it? Not as cool as you thought they were, are they?
- Blogs, both private and corporate. (Pretty accurate. Their name is on it, after all.)
- Print and TV. (Most fun to read, if you want details on anything, or additional reporting. Most accurate, except for The Atlantic. TV, however, also has interviews with people on the street. Bor-ing.)
Twitter froze my account for calling Ricky Gervais a dick
Full disclosure: Twitter has frozen my account there since Sept, 2019. Why? Ricky Gervais, the women-hating English “comedian,” called animal abusers the “c” word. Many people called him out for that foul language but I called him a “sexist dick” for it, and I guess his lawyers demanded I remove it. No way. I have sent appeals to Twitter, but they don’t even respond. So Twitter practices CENSORSHIP and also favors rich people. (And I wrote this before they banned Trump!)
(What, you thought Twitter was progressive and free spirited? No, it’s corporate and NY Stock Exchange all the way. Big Business with clenched fist.)
But Twitter does have fast headlines, at least. Follow me there
Ok, so I went off topic a little here. 🙂 Here’s how to buy this or any cartoon about Television for powerpoint, textbooks, newsletters, blogs, Chicken Soup books, etc. My TV Cartoons have been published in a variety of venues, including syndication. I also review TV shows here
ID # 2639vab      Caption: Man watches TV. News broadcaster says, This just in, breaking news…oops, too late, the bloggers got there before us.
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