How to Get Stuff Done, in Spite of Yourself


cartoon woman on gym bikeThe last Quick Fix cartoon  is titled Maybe Your Man Should Join the Circus. But I try not to judge.

Do you use your car to block other people in?

Well don’t do it to yourself, either! Today’s cartoon is about goals, and what’s stopping you from getting them done. In this case, the woman in the cartoon is going to undo all her working out if she eats up those profits!

Many people have projects they plan to tackle during the lazy hazy days of summer, which most of us still call in our child-like hearts, “summer vacation.” But so many never get finished. Could the problem be…you?

Mind Tools has an interesting article about self-sabotage.

The tell-tale sign that you are sabotaging your self is when you grind to a halt when you’re trying to achieve your goals, for no rational reason. The skill, ability and desire are there: it’s just that something stops you moving forward.

This could be me!

There were a couple of points under Procrastination and Unfulfilled Dreams that I identified with. And I was surprised to see one suggestion, that I was definitely concerned about at one time: Worrying that if you’re successful, your friends won’t like you any more.

I should probably make more money. So should you.

I was concerned that, if I made more money, would my friends stop liking me? Most of my friends said no, of course. But I clearly remember one good friend who said he would be fine if I made $40,000 a year, but would get jealous and not like me if I made $45,000!

He’s no longer a friend, for reasons unconnected to money.  🙂 And I can honestly say I don’t know anyone in my life now who wouldn’t love it if I was rich and famous and could give them jobs, houses and a good life. (Except maybe a far-left DSA member who thinks maybe capitalists should all die.)

Do you procrastinate, or even worse, derail your plans? Maybe just take baby steps. Even 10 minutes working towards something means progress. Finish one project. Remember, Labor Day’s just around the corner…

All rights reserved, and content including cartoons is ©Donna Barstow 2021.  And you can Like me on Facebook to get notified of new cartoons as soon as I post them.

Donna Barstow

Donna Barstow

Syndicated cartoonist in the New Yorker, LA Times, Harvard Business Review, Slate, textbooks, papers. Columnist for 10 years in Psychology Today. Set painter in studio Art Depts. Member Scriptwriters Network, script analyst. Author, 2 hardcopy books, Barnes & Noble Calendar.

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