Dog and his stick collection
He’s made a lot of scores. I think I like the top stick the best. How about you?
How many sticks have you thrown for a dog? We had a mixed breed, part English Pointer, so…we threw a lot of them. 🙂
I hope this doesn’t remind anyone of those smoking dogs on velvet…Gross! Anyway, this dog is smoking a pipe, anyway.
This is also a classic New Yorker cartoon. Cats act silly, but dogs are more upperclass, am I right?
Here’s how to buy this or any Animal or Pet cartoon for powerpoint, magazines, advertising, newsletters, blogs, textbooks, Chicken Soup books, etc, or you can just use the Paypal form.
ID # 3683bb    Caption: Silent – (Dog sits in easy chair in man cave, while trophies of various sticks he has caught are mounted on the wall)
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