Buying a second home at the shore?
Housing in Los Angeles is crazy! Lotsa talk about real estate and housing in SoCal (Southern California). Real real estate hijinks. Beach house bingo. And...
New Yorker Cartoons for California
Many of these business cartoons have appeared in Harvard Business Review, Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, or many other business, law, or accounting publications.
It’s a good thing they all have a sense of humor! (Lawyers, especially!)
I tried to include mostly office situations, but since so many are working remotely now, or are small businesses working in home offices, it’a a challenge to cover business in all it’s many contemporary forms and milieux.
Side hustles are real businesses, too! But no matter the job or career, there’s always a boss somewhere (even for freelancers!) and co-workers or competitors to muck things up.
Hope you enjoy and if there are specific work problems or situations you’d like to see, let me know.
Housing in Los Angeles is crazy! Lotsa talk about real estate and housing in SoCal (Southern California). Real real estate hijinks. Beach house bingo. And...
New Yorker cartoon tips Unlike some New Yorker cartoonists, and many more non-New Yorker cartoonists, including syndicated guys, I don’t buy gags. For better or...
Take a Canary to Work Day should be every day. Canary owners or mine workers will understand this cartoon, if not cubicle workers. 🙂 You’ve...
Delivery problems Ah, the old tortoise and the hare story. Usually it’s the government who ruins a good thing, but sometimes it’s private business who...
Good parenting? This is a very popular cartoon for educational journals, business publications and general publications. Including the Wall Street Journal’s Pepper…and Salt, all of...
How Stephen King has changed sales, PR, and marketing. Obviously, this cartoon, while being about marketing, is really a take on the great Stephen King...