Gay marriage (Proposition 8) pushed by tainted judge.

men debate proposition 8 ruling by gay judge cartoon
men debate proposition 8 ruling by gay judge

Prop 8 – Same sex marriage overturned by Judge Walker

Proposition 8 was voted for in the general California election in 2011. The state voted for Prop 8, and AGAINST gay marriage.

Now, a judge (who happens to be gay, but never mind that) overturned the vote, because he thinks he’s more important than what the public VOTED for. The result, same-sex marriage legalized, is fine with me, personally. Of course, LBQ and the rest deserve to marry!

But the California government shot down and literally VIOLATED elected laws!! The California voters are chopped liver!!!

And why should we trust any judge who hides his sexual orientation or any other pertinent facts, when the ruling is explicitly about his own situation and favors his own lifestyle? Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn R. Walker, decided Proposition 8 violated the federal constitution. I say, Judge Walker, stfu.

About this cartoon on gay rights

Happy with how this came out. Everything is kind of floating – my style by now, I guess – but the colors are great. A lot of info was included, but I think it’s clear, at least to California voters. Great vintage sideboard in the drawing, similar to one I own! (Which is now in storage, since I was evicted.)

From my weekly cartoon feature on California news & politics. Try out this California cartoon for powerpoint, state journals, newsletters, blogs, books, etc. Details here.

ID #120213r        Caption: This just proves how unfair Prop 8 was! Or…that California Citizens shouldn’t bother to vote anymore. (2 men, probably gay, watch a march on tv about gay or same-sex marriage)

Donna Barstow

Donna Barstow

Syndicated cartoonist in the New Yorker, LA Times, Harvard Business Review, Slate, textbooks, papers. Columnist for 10 years in Psychology Today. Set painter in studio Art Depts. Member Scriptwriters Network, script analyst. Author, 2 hardcopy books, Barnes & Noble Calendar.