Want to Be a Rule Breaker for Thanksgiving?

replacing turkey with tofu family dinner

For Motley Fool or vegan lovers!

What phrase is the second most important thing to say to people? Check out my last cartoon.

All rights reserved, and content including cartoons is ©Donna Barstow 2021.  And you can Like me on Facebook to get notified of new cartoons as soon as I post them.

Today’s cartoon suggests: why not start your New Year’s Eve resolutions early? Be a Rule Breaker!

This phrase seems like it’s been around forever, but the place I know it from, and remember it from, is The Motley Fool, talking about Rule Breaker stock picks. I haven’t read them in some time (shame on me), so I just looked them up to see what’s cooking.

I couldn’t even get on their website without giving my email! That’s a little rude. OOps, tried it again, and got this. I used to read them for free!! Did I squander all that good free advice?

And I wondered if they are still good. So I found this review, which says they are very much alive and kicking, and well worth the (hefty) fee to get some good stock advice. They almost talked me into it!

However, their Rule Breaking stock advice is separate, and costs more.  At least you have this cartoon to enjoy.

While thinking about this cartoon, I looked for other references to rule breakers, and found that they mostly tended to be negative! From a business standpoint, I guess it makes sense: they want more of the same obeisance from employees, not someone different.

But what about in real life? Is it only adolescents who get to do it their way?

Pshaw. Have courage, and do it your way. No matter what ends up on the table.

Coming up: what did the dog do now?

Thanksgiving cartoon

This looks more like an illustration than my usual cartoons, to me. It was hard to draw all the separate dishes and family, when I usually just like to indicate. Plus, I didn’t want just a rainbow of colors.

Still, I’m very pleased with how it turned out.

PS Personally, I don’t eat pieces of chicken or turkey anymore, after some nightmares about my canary or parakeet. I can eat it cut up. Not as enjoyable, tbh.

I don’t like tofu very much, with or without a face.

Donna Barstow

Donna Barstow

Syndicated cartoonist in the New Yorker, LA Times, Harvard Business Review, Slate, textbooks, papers. Columnist for 10 years in Psychology Today. Set painter in studio Art Depts. Member Scriptwriters Network, script analyst. Author, 2 hardcopy books, Barnes & Noble Calendar.

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