Small screen is winning
OMGah, can you believe how many different channels there are for shows now? In spite of the fact that TV viewership is supposedly declining. According to Hollywood Reporter:
Explanations for the decline usually come down to “cord-cutting” and “streaming,” which make both intuitive sense and are backed up by data.
That includes Netflix and streaming and other online venues. Still, people are talking about TV a lot!
TV shows aren’t always running on the big ol’ TVs of back then, or the humongous wall ones we have now, of course. We used to call original TV “small screen”, but of course devices are much smaller than that now…and the numbers of shows are amazing! TV lives on!
Back to this cartoon: I guess Lifetime is the classic feelgood station! But that’s doing better than cable right now…Anyway, I cry at some shows. But I don’t watch Lifetime, except one of their Christmas specials, by mistake. (Always shot in bright sun with no snow, on cheapie Hollywood back lots…) What do you watch most?
Here’s how to buy this or any cartoon about Television for powerpoint, textbooks, newsletters, blogs, Chicken Soup books, etc. My TV Cartoons have been published in a variety of venues. I also review TV shows here.
ID #2251ww Caption: Hello, Century Cable? We ordered the Feelgood station! What the heck is this? (man is on phone behind wife, who is crying in front of the TV.)
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