Prisoners are funny, but sad.
Penal self-comforting I’ve been fascinated by prisons, even before one of the greatest shows ever, Prison Break. In high school I even did a Social...
New Yorker Cartoons for California
Penal self-comforting I’ve been fascinated by prisons, even before one of the greatest shows ever, Prison Break. In high school I even did a Social...
Jailhouse Poet turns to personalized license plates Ah, another cartoon in my prison and jailbirds series. I imagine the smart guys who write the personalized...
Jailbird one-ups his attorney Ah, this cartoon of a convict and his lawyer visitation still makesĀ me laugh! I was thinking of an attorney when...
About this Charles Manson story cartoon I love this cartoon! I don’t do multi-panel comic strips like this usually, but I wanted to tell this...