(Mountain) Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Part 1.
Some items that caught my interest these past couple of weeks: Mountain lions Opossums Bats I thought I could write 3 short items, but as it happens, I can write short for a living, but not for this blog. So I’ll divide up these 3 fine animals. Mountain lions (cougars.) I noticed that a bike forum linked to me recently. Apparently one of the bikers had heard of a mountain lion somewhere in or near Griffith Park, and so someone else did some research and found my post here. He then reported to the group that Yes! This proves that a mountain lion was in Griffith Park! And the discussion…
Signs of Silver Lake.
Hey, there’s a new sign on the reservoir fence, what’s up with that? Let’s get a closeup. Hmm. Let’s see, the LA DWP discovered the problem (which is considered to be a kind of poison or health hazard) sometime in October, 2007. They released a statement about it 2 months later, on December 14, 2007, as reported by BloggingLA. They put this sign up on January 11, 2008, for, you know, those people who don’t get DWP bulletins delivered to their mailboxes. Well, no one ever claimed the LA DWP are Hurry Up Guys! The LA Times says: The reservoirs delivered water to an estimated 600,000 consumers, but state public…
I spy Fern Dell.
People, I got up at 7:30 AM on Sunday!!! No, not for yard sales. I got an email from George Grace, who founded the Griffith Park Natural History Survey, that a group of people were getting together to participate in the Audubon Society Christmas Bird Count in Griffith Park. Now, I’ve been a bird watcher since I was 5 and set up a trap of a shoe box and string and a popsicle stick on our front lawn to try to capture a robin. I still remember crying hopelessly the next morning when I found out it had rained and ruined my shoe box and hopes of a robin of…
A mountain lion on Candid Camera?
You never know what’s doin’ in the nooks and crannies of Griffith Park! I found out about some of these doings when I was allowed to attend (my) first meeting of the Griffith Park Natural History Survey, led by George Grace of the Franklin Hills Residents Association. This was a fairly small meeting with only 10 people or so, and we made a good start. (I would have known that small meetings are more efficient, IF ONLY I HAD GONE CORPORATE.) Smart man, he started this a couple of months before the fire, and hired a real! ecologist, Daniel S. Cooper, who made a beginning list of birds and butterflies…