Water my plants while I’m gone, while you’re at it.
I’ve made so many new friends through blogging this year, and it is especially nice to get readers’ comments and emails. It’s great to hear from real people, instead of spam, or long chain letters.
I’ll be going on holiday for a couple of weeks. Could one of you please water my plants while I’m gone?
Pink geraniums do well here. Click for best image. (Contributed by a fellow cartoonist.)
One Comment
Someone sent me this a few years ago. It’s a scream!!! I sent it out to several people, thinking it was so funny and that they’d get a big laugh out of it also. One woman actually took it seriously – she didn’t get the idea that it was a joke. I was really surprised that anyone would have that reaction. Thanks for publishing it. I’ve been looking for it for a long time.