Meeting to see coyotes graves in the Park on Oct 1, Wednesday.
I seem to get announcements of meetings, etc, through emails who got them from someone else. I’m not on Councilman LaBonge’s email list, and THAT’S OKAY. But someone sent me this: The Councilman would like to meet for a walk-through at the coyote encounter site at Zoo Dr. Thursday 10/1 @ 3 pm. We’re inviting public. The walk will begin in the Victory/Zoo Drive area. He didn’t know the exact location, but it should be easy to find. In my experience, “inviting the public” means anyone who’s a mind reader will find out about the meeting and join the city and neighborhood council regulars. It’s sort of an invitation by happenstance.…
Tom LaBonge says the shoeless people are more important than Griffith Park.
There were tv crews and everything at the meeting on arsonists tonight. Carolyn Ramsay, of Councilman LaBonge’s office, was at the door handing out important pieces of paper. I reached for one, and she said the agenda was on the seats. There weren’t any seats left, so I held my hand out to her again, and when I took one of the important pieces of paper, she took it back from me and said, “If you don’t mind, please just take one of the papers on the seats. These are for the press.” Do I look so very unimportant? Is it my blue guileless eyes? I wore a nice skirt…
Apres fire
We had the May 29 meeting of the PROS committee (the first meeting of this group since the horrendous fire in May) at the Gene Autry Museum for a change. They were having a community Open House to present blah blah new plans and wings blah adding more traffic blah blah and not enough parking blah blah blueprints etc. Since the Autry is IN the park, but not totally OF the park, (they pay a whole dollar a year for the privilege of their occupancy!) I’m not really interested in the Museum, but thanks for asking. Also, I’ve been to a couple of Los Feliz Neighborhood Council meetings held at…