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  • Creatures

    Jon Hammer, Hopeful Killer of Small Birds.

    Jon Hammer, ex-Marine, in the news I’ve been hearing John & Ken talk for over a week on KFI about this poor man who was being kept in a Mexican jail because he was trying to move a gun across the border. Jon Hammer, a former Marine, had already been held in jail since August, and now his mother, Olivia Hammer, was all over the media, calling for his release. My ears pricked up when I heard them say that the gun was an antique, not really usable, and could only be used against small birds. Hmm, why say that unless he was planning to kill these vicious small birds?…

  • The Land the Times Forgot

    Alligators in the sewers of the LA Times.

    Roger McCulloch sucks, too, and the LA Times has hit the bottom of the barrel. I picked up pen to paper today, dear readers, to share an article in last Sunday’s Los Angeles Times, the first section. (I’m a week later reading it, cause of a seriously good party LA Observed threw that weekend.) Roger McCulloch skipped a grizzly bear hunt in Alaska to drive 18 hours to Florida with one mission: shoot an alligator with bow and arrow. McCulloch’s trophy room is full… “I love gator hunting,” said McCulloch, who owns a Logan, Ohio construction business. “It’s just the rush of it. I’ve hunted everything — caribou, bear, elk.…