Mountain bikers at your picnic? You decide.
Equestrian Lynn Brown has notified Griffith Park users, equestrians, and city officials that there is a Bicycle Plan afoot that would allow mountain bikes on the Park Trails! This is insane. No one wants to be pushed aside by a piece of noisy, smelly machinery. We already have cars for that. (Or, if they don’t have machinery, they might whoop and holler.) In any case, they squish things that should be left alive and moving. There is a proposal from the city (why is it that the city listens to bad ideas?) to allow mountain bikers to use non-paved trails in Griffith Park, and all City Parks. This includes the…
You mean I have to get political, and write about cruel farmers?
I wrote in my cartoon blog, Why I Did It, about how I take my canary for a walk these days. He’s near enough to a window to get fresh air, but for him to go outside is nirvana. Can you imagine how the breeze feels against his feathers, ruffling them, tickling his skin? I’ve had him for 4 years, and now, for the first time ever, he is trying to sing!! From East Bay Animal Advocates. Most farm animals will never feel fresh air on their skin, let alone a breeze. That’s farming for you! Yes on Prop 2 would fix this, at least for a few animals. (I…