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  • Creatures

    My most popular post is on horses, of courses.

    A lot of people worry about what I worry about, it turns out: Why do people kill a horse with a broken leg? This is my most popular post on this blog by far, and it was researched and written from the heart. Just today I found the greatest video of a miniature horse who got an artificial leg. He was born with a malformed leg, so he was probably never able to walk at all, but maybe he hobbled on 3 legs. From the AP: Ranch Hand Rescue feared Midnite (or Midnight, depending on how literate they are) would have to be euthanized after the North Texas horse rescue…

  • Breaking the 4th Wall,  The Land the Times Forgot

    The LA Times has been Wiki-Leaked!

    Restaurant critic for the LA Times has been outed! Her feelings about food are no longer secret! S. Irene Virbila, the L.A. Times’ restaurant critic for the last 16 years, was visiting Red Medicine restaurant in Beverly Hills when the manager took her photo, and ordered her and her 3 companions to leave the restaurant. In Beverly Hills! An LA Times Reporter! Ellis [from Red Medicine] said he was intentionally trying to take away Virbila’s anonymity because he does not like her reviews: “Our purpose for posting this is so that all restaurants can have a picture of her and make a decision as to whether or not they would…

  • As Lovely as a Tree

    Dew drops on my window.

    Image by RodneyRamsey via Flickr Have you noticed any “moisture flow” in Los Angeles today? That’s what Fox News is calling this rainstorm that has already lasted 2 days! Of course, this has all the weather people on the edge of their seat, but it’s not so much. As the LA Times (reluctantly) admits: No major flooding or mudslides have occurred with the rainstorms hitting Southern California… In February, a slow-moving rainstorm triggered severe flooding in La Cañada-Flintridge… Oh, okay, we had to go back 11 months for drama. Yawn. As a long-time resident here, I thought the weather men and women were exaggerating…so I downplayed the rain here. Meteorologists…

  • The Land the Times Forgot

    Alligators in the sewers of the LA Times.

    Roger McCulloch sucks, too, and the LA Times has hit the bottom of the barrel. I picked up pen to paper today, dear readers, to share an article in last Sunday’s Los Angeles Times, the first section. (I’m a week later reading it, cause of a seriously good party LA Observed threw that weekend.) Roger McCulloch skipped a grizzly bear hunt in Alaska to drive 18 hours to Florida with one mission: shoot an alligator with bow and arrow. McCulloch’s trophy room is full… “I love gator hunting,” said McCulloch, who owns a Logan, Ohio construction business. “It’s just the rush of it. I’ve hunted everything — caribou, bear, elk.…