New category: Oogli Trees
Cut in the prime of life by Davey Tree “Expert” Co. Just in time for Halloween.
I went to an all girls high school, which was stressful only because everything was college oriented, not because it was stereotypical catty. So it wasn’t until I went to college that I heard the term (from guys) “ugly stick.” Only they said it like this, “O-o-o-o-gli!” pointing in a mocking, unkind way towards anyone they didn’t like (meaning women who weren’t a 10). Under their breath, I guess, because I don’t think they got busted by sassy college girls.
I never did this towards a person, but I am condemned to notice the outrageously hideous tree trimming all around the city. When a mature tree on a property is worth a cool $10,000 minimum, what exactly are homeowners thinking about? Not the value of their home, I guess.
When a tree is on the meridian (? I forget what you call trees on the other side of the sidewalk) and not on private property, that’s different. No matter who paid for those trees, the city owns them, and is responsible for them. When the LADWP or LA Street Maintenance comes bulldozing through the streets to trim, homeowners are notified ahead of time. (apartment dwellers just have to guess – 2nd class and all that.) If you don’t want to risk a careless or bad job, the trees scarred and/or botched for several months (or forever), request a LICENSED ARBORIST from the city to be at the site while your tree or street is trimmed. You can’t believe how much better your tree will look than your neighbor’s. And isn’t that what it’s all about?
This poor Oogli tree is quite close to me. The LADWP subcontracted Davey Trees to do the trimming. These are high voltage wires, and DWP requires that trees be cut 10 feet radius from them.
Same tree. I don’t know what type it was, but now it’s an Oogli tree.
Instead, Davey cut about 25 feet from the wires. Could it be any uglier?
Remember, there are no Oogli trees, just Oogli cutters.
as an isa certified arborist and a person who deals with just utility work i must say….YOUR RETARTED
Her retarded what, Bill?