Meeting to see coyotes graves in the Park on Oct 1, Wednesday.
I seem to get announcements of meetings, etc, through emails who got them from someone else. I’m not on Councilman LaBonge’s email list, and THAT’S OKAY. But someone sent me this:
The Councilman would like to meet for a walk-through at the coyote encounter site at Zoo Dr. Thursday 10/1 @ 3 pm. We’re inviting public. The walk will begin in the Victory/Zoo Drive area. He didn’t know the exact location, but it should be easy to find.
In my experience, “inviting the public” means anyone who’s a mind reader will find out about the meeting and join the city and neighborhood council regulars. It’s sort of an invitation by happenstance.
Tonight I walked into a dark room without turning on the light, and immediately tripped over a box I had left there, so my knee is pretty sore. Don’t call me names, send me flowers. But I’m going to try to make it tomorrow.