Apres fire
We had the May 29 meeting of the PROS committee (the first meeting of this group since the horrendous fire in May) at the Gene Autry Museum for a change. They were having a community Open House to present blah blah new plans and wings blah adding more traffic blah blah and not enough parking blah blah blueprints etc. Since the Autry is IN the park, but not totally OF the park, (they pay a whole dollar a year for the privilege of their occupancy!) I’m not really interested in the Museum, but thanks for asking.
Also, I’ve been to a couple of Los Feliz Neighborhood Council meetings held at the Autry
Gene and Champion have a moment. And his eyes tell us that he wishes his museum would support Griffith Park more. (Permission from here, even though they didn’t ask permission themselves for the photos.)
and the food was absolutely terrific, with top notch pastries from a local bakery. Worth the trip! But this time it was some generic cookies and too sweet lemonade. Nuff said.
The Autry let our Parks, Rivers, and Open Space group have our monthly meeting in their cafeteria, after the presentation. I was happy to see maybe 20 new faces, but unfortunately the acoustics were terrible, and they didn’t stay long. Please, new people, come back! We need you! We want you! It’s true, the Ranger Station where we have our regular meetings is impossible to find if you don’t know it, since Griffith Park has terrible signage, but call for directions and come again! Although it’s more inviting than a cafeteria with no food!
I can’t find my notes, and I don’t remember what we talked about, so it probably wasn’t all that. I think we were all still a little in shock. The Park was burned badly.