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Everyone's a Photographer

  • Everyone's a Photographer

    What’s wrong with blue??

    I’m so mad. I’ve been looking for a camera for WEEKS now. Read all the reviews. Read all the owners’ reviews. Looked at all the examples up on Amazon. And found the greatest place to see how a camera really performs is to check out your fave cameras on Flicker, and see how everyone’s photos look! You can see them by category, for each different camera: portrait, landscape, macro, etc, all taken with YOUR camera! Come to me, baby. So I decided on this one, for reasons too technical to go into, but it’s good. It’s the Panasonic DMC-TZ1, and if you join the group on Flickr for your camera…

  • Creatures,  Everyone's a Photographer

    A mountain lion on Candid Camera?

    You never know what’s doin’ in the nooks and crannies of Griffith Park! I found out about some of these doings when I was allowed to attend (my) first meeting of the Griffith Park Natural History Survey, led by George Grace of the Franklin Hills Residents Association. This was a fairly small meeting with only 10 people or so, and we made a good start. (I would have known that small meetings are more efficient, IF ONLY I HAD GONE CORPORATE.) Smart man, he started this a couple of months before the fire, and hired a real! ecologist, Daniel S. Cooper, who made a beginning list of birds and butterflies…

  • Everyone's a Photographer

    Was this photographer influenced by Henri Cartier-Bresson?

    Of course, Henri Cartier-Bresson is known for his rule of thirds in photographs (or art). But he didn’t mean like this, did he? That’s the Observatory way at one end, not at the third mark, and doesn’t it look fresh and new! This was also almost my exact view when I lived on Vermont Avenue. The hillside looks bleak, but the photo wasn’t taken after the Griffith Park fire, but way way before. It’s from an old postcard, circa 1935, that Beatrice and Charles Soter, also on the committee, allowed me to useĀ  after I spied it atop their homeowner’s newsletter. It has dignity, doesn’t it?   Griffith Park and…