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Everyone's a Photographer

  • Everyone's a Photographer

    Shoutout to Los Feliz from Dancing with the Stars.

    Season Six of Dancing With the Stars was such a disappointment. I mean, why should I waste my valuable teevee time on something so contrived? First off, Kristi Yamaguchi was a total ringer. That was so exciting, watching her get 10s from beginning to end. /sarcasm. And unfortunately, the poor girl has no charm or quick wit – everything she said was a cliche. (Oh, we’re just here to have fun, but it’s the viewers that count. We’re just working hard, doing our best, and then it’s in the hands of the judges…BLAH BLAH.) On the other hand, there’s the delightful Adam Carolla. I love talk radio, but hadn’t heard…

  • Everyone's a Photographer

    The Neon Cruise…it’s not just about neon.

    Kevin has written about this before in LA Observed, and I signed up standby last time, but they were full. I emailed Will Camp-bell, who did get to go, and he said it was a blast. So this time I acted like a grown-up, and signed up BEFORE the last day, and got in. The Hart (sp?) Brothers made both these signs with hearts in them! Wow. This is a must-see and must-do in Los Angeles, for either tourists or natives. First of all, physically, there’s nothing like it for the vantage point, unless you’re in a very low-flying helicopter or on a crane. The Neon Cruise uses London tour…

  • Creatures,  Everyone's a Photographer

    Why do they kill horses with a broken leg?

    Note to readers: I have so many looking for help for their horse’s injured leg that I’ve updated the info in here. I want all the horses to get better! When I saw the picture of Eight Belles on the ground, of course I immediately thought of Barbaro. Like so many, I cried when they finally put him down, after real efforts to save him. That’s the first horse with a broken leg I’ve ever read about that anyone tried to save. If only the LA Times had gone a big step further in their Special Report to answer… Why do they kill a horse with a broken leg? When…

  • Everyone's a Photographer

    Just call me Silver Lake Watergate.

    I went to hear a panel of journalists talking about blogs and investigative journalism last week at the LA Press Club, and I realized, Hey! That’s me! I was so furious about the fire in gp a year ago that took FOUR DAYS to put out, that I started this blog. If you were around then, you remember the dozens of firemen and women who took exception to my point of view… Creative Commons-licensed photo by Will Camp bell of Blogging.la. Will has done his own hard digging in natural LA, and has a good blog here. I call this amazing photo – click on it – Stitched Silver Lake.…