Question on trees: living or dead?
Here is the second recent comment I wanted to respond to:
Does anybody know (specifically) who’s in charge of ordering trees to be cut at Griffith Park?
I’ve been a frequent runner on many of the trails in Griffith Park over the past 5 years and I’m intimately familiar with its pre and post-fire foliage. I witness the removal of many trees and shrubs that were clearly not dead after the fire.
I was in the park yesterday (9.30.07) in one of the many cordoned-off areas of near the merry-go-round parking lot.
To my dismay, I discovered that about 7 of the large pines, that are scorched on about 70% of the lower tree but green at the top, are marked with a white dot. Presumably, the white dot indicates the tree is slated for removal because nearly all the other ones with the dot are visibly dead.
It would seem that the person who marked the live pines for removal didn’t bother to look up at the top of the tree where it’s clear that the tree is alive.
Does anybody know (specifically) who I can contact to find who’s in charge of ordering these trees to be cut?
Please let me know ASAP
For some reason her important comment went into the spam filter, so I didn’t see it for a couple of days. She also included her phone number, which I redacted. But this can’t be said enough: the new supervisor of Forestry in Griffith Park is lb, and her phone (which is public) is 213 485-7512. If you want to reach the head honcho for all parks, including, Griffith Park, it’s Mukri at 213 928-9033.
Hope that helps, Linda. I fear for the life of those trees in any case. Please come to our next PROS meeting, though!