You know you’re in hell, when…
Apparently hell includes a lot of pro bono (Latin meaning for free!) cases for lawyers or other professionals.
I would love to do a series of Hell cartoons. Smoke, torture, sarcasm, eternity…Great fodder!
In this case, I’ve heard friends talk many times about corporate lawyers’ long hours, and the pro bono (free work for charity or non-profits) work some of the law firms enforce for the partners in the firm. (Personal note: if you know of anyone doing pro bono on copyright, please let me know ASAP!)
The American Bar Assn says this about pro bono:
When society confers the privilege to practice law on an individual, he or she accepts the responsibility to promote justice and to make justice equally accessible to all people. Thus, all lawyers should aspire to render some legal services without fee or expectation of fee for the good of the public.
“Aspire to render”? Really? At least the intent is impressive.
Here’s how to buy this or any law cartoon for powerpoint, law journals, newsletters, books, etc.
ID #n3528f Cartoon caption: Here we have about the same caseload, but it’s all pro bono. (two lawyers chat in hell)
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