Politically incorrect cartoon about gender
How does a doctor decide if you’re a real man? Will that show up on an x-ray?…So many men need to be told they are still masculine…
I think women are more confident about their gender — they feel feminine — but worry about weight and comparisons with other women.
And we all need reassurance that we’re okay, especially when we get home from a hard day’s work. An employer can do a number on you if you don’t have support and resources, like this poor guy. A Time Out is in order. And a doctor’s evaluation works.
I do a lot of cartoons about power struggles and feelings of helplessness, in case you haven’t noticed! Visits to t he doctor cartoons often include worries about the future, small pains, and fear that our secrets will become known.
Here’s how to buy this or any Business cartoon for powerpoint, advertising, newsletters, blogs, textbooks, x-ray technicians, radiologists, medical personnel, bad bosses, etc.
ID #2887qwk Caption: You’re still a man, Mr. Collins, no matter what your boss told you. (doctor tells patient his x-rays look fine)
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