Finally, a cartoon at the beach!
Remember when wine coolers were so amazing?? All the flavors?
Me, neither. But if you’re catching rays on the hot beach, like this guy with the labrador rescue dog, a wine cooler might be a better choice than other drinks.
Aw, I just looked up breeds of rescue dogs, and Google gave me the list of which dogs need to be RESCUED from shelters! 🙁 And I just learned that by rescue dog, I really meant SAR dog – a Search and Rescue dog, which sniff out humans, not a dog to be rescued.
Okay, so I couldn’t find a list of most used emergency dogs right away, but notice the cute little booties on the guy in the snow.
From my weekly cartoon feature, Daily Special. Here’s how to get new restaurant cartoons delivered to you each week! And how to buy restaurant and food cartoons for restaurant newsletters, websites, hospitality magazines, and restaurant trade journals.
ID #226631 Caption: Large rescue dog (of course, this is a Labrador in the cartoon, not a St. Bernard!) carrying keg of wine cooler approaches thirsty beach-goer.
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