Three Easy Rules on How to Find a Mate
Or, three dating mistakes women make Last week’s cartoon asked the question: Would you do this or that if you won the Powerball Lottery?...
New Yorker Cartoons for California
I started the phrase, Girl Talk Cartoons, before anyone else in our little media world of published cartoonists…of which only a couple were women! I based my books on this trend. I based my main subjects: love, hope, friendships, fun, shopping, animals, chocolate, and yes, sex, on this. And I started this Cartoon Category: Girl Talk Cartoons!
And then came the copycats. Cartoon stock agencies quickly stole it ( looking at you, Cartoonstock) – even though they didn’t have ANY female cartoonists. (I don’t know if they even had women in their UK office.)
But let’s talk about what women talk about. Girl talk isnt a secret language, although a lot of secrets are shared…it’s just a high-flying, happy place to hang out for a few hours…or days…or in much of your free time. Friendships on fire!
I think sisters grow up with it, and might not realize how special it is until they get older and move away. Me, I just had a stupid brother, so girlfriends became my confidantes and support team.
In any case, girl talk inspired my first big project: a page-a-day calendar for Barnes & Noble: What Do Women REALLY Want? Cats, Chocolate, Shoes, and Love! Which let to my first book: What Do Women REALLY Want? Chocolate! (I was so happy to have my first book be all about chocolate. That’ll show, you Dad, after your constant nagging about my bad nutrition!)
Then came another book, my second stint as editor: Love Me or Go to Hell. The title was written by my awesome and fantastic cartoonist friend, Stephanie Piro. (I added True Love Cartoons to the title, so as not to scare readers away! It’s not an angry feminist book, although it’s written by feminists. It’s just things that made us giggle or lol about our ridiculous life and love lives.)
Sure, you can find bits and pieces of Girl Talk in texts, or instagram posts, or tedious Facebook announcements, but you really need long talks, and maybe even pajama parties, to revel in feminine hysterics, and juicy gossip.
Girl Talk Cartoons is one place I prescribe that will definitely heal you and make you happier.
Or, three dating mistakes women make Last week’s cartoon asked the question: Would you do this or that if you won the Powerball Lottery?...
Women who collect shoes – Shoe Therapy! I actually don’t buy that many new shoes – too much leather for vanity’s sake. No, thanks. But...
Beauty in your mirror and your hairbrush Remember what you did to save Tinkerbell, in Peter Pan? You clapped your hands, and she lived. I...
New Yorker Tip This is a New Yorker type style cartoon, because they just love cartoons that put down men, throw insults, and discuss the...
It’s a Date cartoon! Another super popular cartoon, at least with the ladies. 🙂 Nowadays there are more hanging out get-togethers than dates, which is...
A Girl Talk special! This was the most popular cartoon on my former incarnation of this site on plain old html, before I moved it...