Some Dads explain the birds and the bees. Others discuss money.
Good parenting? This is a very popular cartoon for educational journals, business publications and general publications. Including the Wall Street Journal’s Pepper…and Salt, all of...
New Yorker Cartoons for California
These cartoons have almost no subtext, and certainly no innuendo. You could show them to your sainted aunt, with no problem. These are just humorous family, self-help, inspiring, and good wholesome humor. Family Circle type comics, only better.
Many of them have appeared in, or will appear in, the original Chicken Soup books! Chicken Soup for Grandmother’s Soul, Chicken Soup for Women Soul, Chicken Soup for Mother Daughter Soul, Chicken Soup for Pets Soul…you get the point, right?
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Good parenting? This is a very popular cartoon for educational journals, business publications and general publications. Including the Wall Street Journal’s Pepper…and Salt, all of...