Brownies: with or without weed?

cartoon of medical marijuana store next to bakery with pot brownies
medical marijuana store next to bakery selling pot brownies

When marijuana became legal in California

I managed to sneak some chocolate into this very popular cartoon about medical marijuana. Fortunately, the 2 stores, pot pharmacy and bakery, complement each other…

Of course, when I sold this cartoon, 2012, marijuana was not legal. And now it’s springing up in states all over! I hate the smell of pot, and avoid conversations with stoned people, but your mileage may vary. In any case, glad it’s legal!

From my weekly cartoon feature on California news & politics. Try out this California cartoon for powerpoint, medical journals, newsletters, blogs, books, etc. Details here.

ID # 100405       Caption: MEDICAL MARIJUANA STORE next to Sal’s Bakery, with Laugh-a-lot Brownies and Crunchy Munchy Cookies. There. Didn’t I tell you this would happen? (couple passes the stores)

Donna Barstow

Donna Barstow

Syndicated cartoonist in the New Yorker, LA Times, Harvard Business Review, Slate, textbooks, papers. Columnist for 10 years in Psychology Today. Set painter in studio Art Depts. Member Scriptwriters Network, script analyst. Author, 2 hardcopy books, Barnes & Noble Calendar.