When marijuana became legal in California
I managed to sneak some chocolate into this very popular cartoon about medical marijuana. Fortunately, the 2 stores, pot pharmacy and bakery, complement each other…
Of course, when I sold this cartoon, 2012, marijuana was not legal. And now it’s springing up in states all over! I hate the smell of pot, and avoid conversations with stoned people, but your mileage may vary. In any case, glad it’s legal!
From my weekly cartoon feature on California news & politics. Try out this California cartoon for powerpoint, medical journals, newsletters, blogs, books, etc. Details here.
ID # 100405 Caption: MEDICAL MARIJUANA STORE next to Sal’s Bakery, with Laugh-a-lot Brownies and Crunchy Munchy Cookies. There. Didn’t I tell you this would happen? (couple passes the stores)
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