Dangers of fast food cartoon.

heart attack from fast food

Watch out for fast food truthful menus

Nowadays restaurants have calories and fat grams on the menus, even for fast food joints & chain restaurants. And with education, comes guilt.

But do they tabulate the results, and give you a free health prognosis? I think not. It’s like Western religions (that aren’t Catholic): You have free choice in the menu. It’s a combination of taste, price and convenience, vs long term health risks! It’s junk food vs your future!

And just like the woman customer in the cartoon, I stare at milkshake photos, too. The ones in fast food places are the best! But shakes are getting harder to come by, since dairy gets a bad rap nowadays.

Doing a little Clean Up, Fix Up, Paint Up for this blog. (That was a spring theme in grade school, and we had to make posters on this topic for Art Class. Oh, how I dreaded it.)

Anyway, I’m hanging some more toons up for you to take a look at.

From my weekly cartoon feature, Daily Special. Here’s how to get new restaurant cartoons delivered to you each week! And how to buy restaurant and food cartoons for restaurant newsletters, websites, hospitality magazines, and restaurant trade journals.

id#1832542 Caption: “I’ll have the, uh, Heart Attack Combo.” Woman looks at menu in hamburger joint and decides to order the dangerous hamburger and ice cream drink.

PS. Oops. There’s a real Heart Attack Grill, in Las Vegas, and you guessed it. Someone died from a heart condition while dining. Power of suggestion…


Donna Barstow

Donna Barstow

Syndicated cartoonist in the New Yorker, LA Times, Harvard Business Review, Slate, textbooks, papers. Columnist for 10 years in Psychology Today. Set painter in studio Art Depts. Member Scriptwriters Network, script analyst. Author, 2 hardcopy books, Barnes & Noble Calendar.