What to do if you hear noises in the house.

cartoon man in bed worries he hears an intruder
hear ye, hear ye

Lying awake in fear

What should you do when you hear a burglar in the house? Even if you just think you do? Whistle a happy tune? Or are you more like me, and you’d rather obsess over law enforcement charges, and how to get him arrested and put in jail?!

Okay, I guess this cartoon is more for people who DON’T know legal definitions! Legal terms ordinary people get confused about (meaning me): libel, slander & defamation. I have been known to lie awake thinking on these.

Robbery vs burglary?

But on this night, the mental jostlings are: should I confront the intruder, or deny, deny, deny? Should I define as robbery or burglary?. From the helpful Nolo law series:

Burglary involves a person illegally entering a building in order to commit a crime while inside; robbery is generally when someone takes something of value directly from another person by the use of force or fear.

This is a burglary. If there is an intruder, he’s a burglar!

Actually, because the man in the cartoon is obsessing, maybe I should post this cartoon in my Psychology Today blog under the topic heading… anxiety? …Misdirection?

This drawing is A-OK.

Here’s how to buy this or any law cartoon for powerpoint, law journals, newsletters, books, etc.

ID #n542a        Caption: Is it burglary or robbery? (man lies sleepless in bed as he hears noises in the house)

Donna Barstow

Donna Barstow

Syndicated cartoonist in the New Yorker, LA Times, Harvard Business Review, Slate, textbooks, papers. Columnist for 10 years in Psychology Today. Set painter in studio Art Depts. Member Scriptwriters Network, script analyst. Author, 2 hardcopy books, Barnes & Noble Calendar.